If you want to run at 500, 400, 300 or 250 height your dog must have an official A4A measurement at or before their first competition. Dogs running at 600 height do not need to be measured. You may run your 500 dog at 600 if you would prefer, and may change daily. You may run 600 in Performance, for example, and 500 in Steeplechase on any one day, or vice versa.
If your dog is under 2 years old when it has its first measure, it will require a second measure when it reaches two years of age.
Competitors should enter the class for which they believe their dog to be eligible. Once at the show the dog should be measured before it’s first run. It will not be able to run until it has been measured. To measure your dog a A4A official measurer will have the dog placed in a standing position on a flat surface such as a table. The measurement is taken from the perpendicular line from the top of the dog’s withers to the flat surface. You will be able to transfer to the correct class, if you have entered under the wrong jump height.
Your dog must be at least 15 months of age.
You may always jump higher than your dog’s measured height. If you change height in either direction your results still stand.